JIM WELLS COUNTY Precinct 1 - Courthouse - 200 N. Almond Street, Alice Precinct 2 - Ray’s Roundup - 8086 N. Highway 281, Orange Grove Precinct 3 - Sandia Community Center - 301 Nueces (Hwy 359), Sandia Precinct 4 - Premont High School - 400 S.Elaine, Premont Precinct 5 - BB-PB Elementary - 2754 FM 735, Alice (Palito Blanco) 3UHFLQFW6SULQJÀHOG&RXQW\%XLOGLQJ69HQWXUD6DQ'LHJR 3UHFLQFW7KH&KXUFKRI&KULVW0RUQLQJVLGH'ULYH$OLFH Precinct 8 - OG Intermediate School Special Project Building - 106 Bulldog Lane, Orange Grove Precinct 9 - Alice High School - #1 Coyote Trail, Alice Precinct 10 - Mary R. Garcia Elementary - 3051 Old Kingsville Road, Alice Precinct 11 - Premont Library - 115 Agnes Street, Premont Precinct 12 - Schallert Elementary - 1001 Jim Wells, Alice Precinct 13 - Hi-Rise Apartments, Alice Precinct 14 - La Gloria School - 182 E. County Road 401, Falfurrias Precinct 15 - Noonan Elementary - 701 W. Third Street, Alice Precinct 16 - Saenz Elementary - 400 Palo Blanco Street, Alice Precinct 17 - BB-PB High School Ag. Building - 172 Badger Lane, Ben Bolt Precinct 18 - Tecolote County Building - 197 County Road 120, Alice Precinct 19 - Bentonville - Old Bolting House Residence - 150B County Road 336, Alice Precinct 20 - Alice Boys and Girls Club - 793 S. Texas Boulevard, Alice Precinct 22 - Jim Wells County Building - 1106 Castillo Street, Alice Note - Polling places may change as needed. DUVAL COUNTY 3UHFLQFW6DQ'LHJR&LYLF&HQWHU Precinct 2 - Benavides Civic Center Precinct 3 - Concepcion Civic Center 3UHFLQFW5DPLUH]&RPPRQ6FKRRO'LVWULFW Precinct 5 - La Rosita County Building Precinct 6 - Realitos Civic Center Precinct 7 - 1618 Norton Street Precinct 8 - Freer Civic Center 3UHFLQFW6DQ'LHJR:*UDYLV 2018 PRIMARY ELECTION GUIDE 2018 March 6 Election Day Polling Places AUSTIN, TX – Texas Secretary of State Rolando Pablos today reminded Texans to make all necessary prepara- tions to be able to cast their vote in the upcoming  March 6  Primary Election. Secretary Pablos encouraged all eligible Texas voters to ensure that they (1) are registered to vote in their county of resi- dence, and (2) are aware of what they need to bring to the polls in order to cast a ballot. Additionally, Secretary Pablos urged voters to contact their respective county elections office to become famil- iar with their ballot, locate their appro- priate polling location, and plan their trip to the polls.   With the upcoming February 5th voter registration deadline, Secretary Pablos issued one last call-to-action by urging Texans to register and take the appropriate steps to be prepared to vote.   “Early preparedness is key for all Texans wishing to cast a vote. If you want your voice to be heard, you have to be prepared,” Secretary Pablos said. “It is imperative that all Texans wishing to cast a vote start early and undertake the necessary preparations to be able to vote. I personally want to make sure that all Texans who go to the polls during our state’s first-in-the-nation primary are properly registered and know what they need to bring in order to cast their ballot.”   Texans may check to see if they are already registered to vote through the Texas Secretary of State’s web site or by visiting www.votetexas.gov.  “I commend all Texans who take re- sponsibility for their civic duty by exer- cising their right to vote,” Secretary Pab- los said. “Most importantly, I encourage all Texans to work together to ensure that our youngest generation is instilled with a tradition of voting and encour- aged to make their voices heard at the ballot box.”  Secretary Pablos also reminds Tex- as voters who possess one of the seven approved forms of photo ID that they must present that ID at the polls. Vot- ers who do not possess and cannot rea- sonably obtain one of the seven forms of approved photo ID may execute a Reasonable Impediment Declaration form, available to them at each polling location, and provide a supporting form of identification. In addition, certain voters may qualify for certain exemp- tions to presenting an acceptable form of photo identification or following the Reasonable Impediment Declaration procedure.    “As election season approaches, my office is working diligently to ensure all eligible Texans understand proper vot- ing procedures and requirements under Texas law,” Secretary Pablos said. “The Texas Secretary of State’s office is com- mitted to providing information for all voters and educational resources to as- sist local election officials in conduct- ing successful elections throughout the Lone Star State.”  The seven forms of approved photo ID are: t 5FYBT %SJWFS -JDFOTF JTTVFE CZ the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) t 5FYBT &MFDUJPO *EFOUJĕDBUJPO $FS- tificate issued by DPS t5FYBT1FSTPOBM*EFOUJĕDBUJPO$BSE issued by DPS t 5FYBT )BOEHVO -JDFOTF JTTVFE CZ DPS t 6OJUFE 4UBUFT .JMJUBSZ *EFOUJĕDB- UJPO$BSEDPOUBJOJOHUIFQFSTPOTQIP- tograph t 6OJUFE 4UBUFT $JUJ[FOTIJQ $FSUJĕ- cate containing the person’s photograph t 6OJUFE 4UBUFT 1BTTQPSU CPPL PS card) ‫ڀ‬8JUIUIFFYDFQUJPOPGUIF64‫ڀ‬$JUJ- [FOTIJQ‫ڀ‬$FSUJĕDBUF ‫ڀ‬XIJDIEPFTOPUFY- pire,  the  acceptable photo ID  must be current or, for voters aged 18-69, have expired no more than four years before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place. A voter 70 years of age or older may use a form of accept- able photo ID listed above that has ex- pired for any length of time if the identi- fication is otherwise valid.  If a voter does not possess one of the forms of acceptable photo identification listed above, and the voter cannot rea- sonably obtain such identification, the voter may fill out a Reasonable Impedi- ment  Declaration form, which will be available at each polling location, and present a copy or original of one of the following supporting forms of identifi- cation: tHPWFSONFOUEPDVNFOUUIBUTIPXT the voter’s name and an address, includ- ing the voter’s voter registration certifi- cate tDVSSFOUVUJMJUZCJMM tCBOLTUBUFNFOU tHPWFSONFOUDIFDL tQBZDIFDL tDFSUJĕFEEPNFTUJD GSPNB64TUBUF or territory) birth certificate  a document confirming birth admis- sible in a court of law which establishes the voter’s identity (which may include a foreign birth document)  The address on an acceptable form of photo identification or a supporting form of identification, if applicable, does not have to match the voter’s address on the list of registered voters.   If a voter meets these requirements and is otherwise eligible to vote, the vot- er will be able to cast a regular ballot in the election.   Voters with a disability may ap- ply with the county voter registrar for a permanent exemption to  presenting an acceptable form of photo identifica- tion or following the Reasonable Im- pediment Declaration procedure at the polls. Voters with a religious objection to being photographed or voters who do not present an acceptable form of photo identification or follow the Rea- sonable Impediment Declaration proce- dure at the polls because of certain natu- ral disasters may apply for a temporary exemption to presenting an acceptable form of photo identification or follow- ing the Reasonable Impediment Dec- laration procedure. For more details, voters may contact their  county voter registrar.  Voters with questions about how to cast a ballot in upcoming elections can call 1-800-252-VOTE  For more information on voting in Texas, visit www.votetexas.gov Secretary Pablos Wants Texans To Be Ready to Vote PAGE 2 ‡$OLFH(FKR1HZV-RXUQDO‡6XQGD\)HEUXDU\